
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Om friheten att välja livskamrat

Jag är just nu inblandad i ett meningsutbyte om homosexualitet och kärlek på en engelskspråkig blogg. Jag är inte säker på att sådana här diskussioner är speciellt meningsfulla. De har en tendens att aldrig ta slut och att mer låsa fast varandra i sina uppfattningar än att lära av varnandra. Men här är i alla fall ett sammandrag för den som vill följa med i samtalet.

Det började med att jag fick en artikel tillsänd för eventuell publicering på rupeba.se. Här är artikeln.
Sedan skrev jag en kommentar till artiklen och min kommentar hittar du här.

Graeme från Australien kommenterade min kommentar så här:
I very much appreciate the articles you have written in the past. You are a very good person, and obviously one who loves God deeply.
It sounds as though that in Sweden you are getting a very small taste of what life for the GLBT community has been like for many lifetimes, and still is in the vast majority of the world. Even in England, members of the GLBT community live in fear of being murdered, lose their jobs, families etc. for no other reason then the fact they are homosexual. You have had a voice for a VERY long time, it is now right that the voice of the other side is vehmently protected.
As for your comment about love....
What about 1 John 4:7-8, which catagorically teaches that 'God is love'. Where there is love, there also is God. Where there is not love, God is not there. If two people love each other - even if they are same-sex - then God is in their midst because love comes from God. Unless you are going to argue that it is possible for love to come from Satan. If God is in their midst, and has established Himself among them by bringing and establishing that love, how can we say it is wrong? If God Himself has blessed it, how can we say it is wrong? Are we saying God is wrong? That love can come from other sources other than God? (I am talking about real love here, not cheap immitations like infatuation or lust - just to be clear). Such people have not been blessed by the Church, true, and the church does not recognise their relationship or love. But is the church God? Despite the teachings of our history, we do not have the right to speak for God, or to interpret on His behalf. We only have the right to show His love to others, and live His message, and so point people to Him.

Yours in Christ,
Graeme Randall
Former Australian East 

Och jag svarade på Graemes kommentar så här:
Graeme, thank you for your comment.
Just a couple of comments/questions on your comment.

You wrote:
"Where there is love, there also is God. Where there is not love, God is not there. If two people love each other - even if they are same-sex - then God is in their midst because love comes from God."

Even if love comes from God and God is love, not all expressions of love is acceptable:
Pedofils often claims that what there pedofil acts is based on mutual love between the pedofile and the child. But would we look upon that as an expression of God´s love??
And if I fell deeply in love with another married woman and by acting upon that love broke two marriages. Could I claim that this is the will of God since all love is an epression of God´s love?

You wrote:
"Despite the teachings of our history, we do not have the right to speak for God, or to interpret on His behalf. We only have the right to show His love to others, and live His message, and so point people to Him."

Yes I think that The Salvation Army as a prophetic movement should speak for God and should interpret His word to every generation.

Peter Baronowsky 

Och, som sagt, sådana diskussioner har en tendens att fortsätta, så den här slutar nog inte här heller....

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